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Welcome To The Wheel House

8 years ago written by

Linden and Kyle are both proud Saskatchewanians with a shared belief that Regina, Saskatchewan is a place with immense and powerful potential. They've got a generation of people that have traveled the world and want to live in a world class city but that generation is going to build it instead of seek it. Wheelhouse is just part of that story. To a lot of people gyms can be intimidating, socially awkward, and a little monotonous. That's why the motivation for Wheelhouse was to create a workout experience that people actually enjoyed (yet still caused people to sweat like never before) and build a that fosters real relationships. Its that simple.

Wheelhouse Cycle Club

They won't talk about transformations on Tuesday's, talk in cliches, nor will we motivate you on Monday's. Wheel House genuinely want to infuse positivity in this city and make people a little bit happier. By surrounding themselves with people that they can elevate but can also elevate them. When The Vault door shuts we're all in on every pedal, and you wouldn't want it any other way. 50 minutes seems daunting the first time  but that post-ride feeling of euphoria, exhaustion, and mental clarity is unmatched and something you start to crave. You're in a different world now.


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